The housing market in the Atlanta metropolitan area has become one of the best markets in the country due to a shortage of supply, low mortgage rates, and high appreciation in home values.
Because conditions are favorable for buyers, it is imperative that all home buyers work with a skilled and knowledgeable real estate professional that can guide them through the process.
Paige Slyman is an Atlanta real estate expert with over 2 decades serving the area. Known for his extensive industry experience and strategic approach, Paige is sought after for his assistance in serving and protecting clients in the home purchase process. He also specializes in advising clients on which areas to purchase in and NOT to purchase in. By focusing on areas that are forecasted to increase in value, you can ensure that your investment is the best decision for you and your family.
Below are additional points as to why NOW is the time to buy:
Owning is now cheaper than Renting
Over the past few years, the demand for rental homes has increased, due to many factors, including an increase in foreclosures and fewer existing renters making the decision to buy. This has driven up the costs of renting a home tremendously. In fact, often times it can be cheaper to buy your home than rent one from someone else. There is no better time to buy a home and stop renting.
Mortgage rates are at historic lows
Mortgage rates are some of the lowest we have seen in years, however, we cannot assume that they will stay at where they are or fall even more. It is crucial to take advantage of the opportunity now. Right now is the time to buy.
High appreciation in home values
Purchaser sooner rather than later is the key. Home values are on such a rapid rise that waiting until “the right moment” is a bad idea. Being a little early and ahead of the real estate curve gives buyers more leverage. Stop wishing and call Paige Slyman to help you find the home of your dreams.
Give us a call at 770.405.0100 x 2 or email us at